Showing Tag: "sundhedstjek" (Show all posts)

Get here good health profile

Posted by nilaywingslate nilaywingslate on Thursday, March 14, 2013, In : Health 

By watching the health matter, the companies and other organizations started to make a health profile. The health profile is something that is been calculated of an employee. The health profile also goes with checking procedure according to the Danish law. In this the person who works for the company or industry after the working period, he has to go through a health check system in every three years.


This type of surveillance includes many aspects and questions which I been asked by th...

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Obtain the best health guidelines for employees

Posted by nilaywingslate nilaywingslate on Thursday, March 14, 2013,

Health is a matter which is known and adapted as a world most serious matter. How a person can get and obtain many problems in relation with health. Here you will find some of the solution to your problem and some of the important facts related to the subject Health.


The most important issue of the life of any person is the Sundhedstjek, everyone knows to live a proper and good life he has to be healthy. But this issue becomes lighter weighted when it comes to the matter of job or work...

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Showing Tag: "sundhedstjek" (Show all posts)

Get here good health profile

Posted by nilaywingslate nilaywingslate on Thursday, March 14, 2013, In : Health 

By watching the health matter, the companies and other organizations started to make a health profile. The health profile is something that is been calculated of an employee. The health profile also goes with checking procedure according to the Danish law. In this the person who works for the company or industry after the working period, he has to go through a health check system in every three years.


This type of surveillance includes many aspects and questions which I been asked by th...

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Obtain the best health guidelines for employees

Posted by nilaywingslate nilaywingslate on Thursday, March 14, 2013,

Health is a matter which is known and adapted as a world most serious matter. How a person can get and obtain many problems in relation with health. Here you will find some of the solution to your problem and some of the important facts related to the subject Health.


The most important issue of the life of any person is the Sundhedstjek, everyone knows to live a proper and good life he has to be healthy. But this issue becomes lighter weighted when it comes to the matter of job or work...

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