In the offices or school, the pressure always on the employees or students. The pressure of the work, boss etc. in short you can say that the office period is full of exhausted. After some time human need a break for the refreshment. They need time for their family, their friends etc.

Doctor excuse is the best excuse for the skipping work. Your superior is always denying from the leave but this excuse is best for the leave because nobody put any question on you. In fact it is time for sympathy; you will get sympathy from your superiors.

The doctors excuses should be look real, authentic, and legitimate. Otherwise you will be fired or suspended from the office. The date, time, doctors name, contact no. doctors address are mandatory to be mention in the note.

The hallmark and seal is necessary in the note. Make sure that the note should be hand written. The writing should not recognized by the boss. The manner of the doctor writing is unrecognizable.

Don’t you dare to make doctors excuses at home? Some of the part of these doctor notes is filled by the pen. If you hand writing sample is in the hand of your superior then you should be penalized or black spot on your carrier.    

So be aware when you utilize the doctor notes. If you really want that your leave is tension free then you have to utilize the real and authentic fake doctor notes.